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Strates Shows - Carnival, Ride, Game and Food Booking Requirements

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If you are interested in booking an amusement ride, carnival game or food concession with Strates Shows, please follow the steps listed below:

  1. Contact James E. Strates to discuss carnival rides or show equipment that you wish to book at specific locations. Contact John Strates for carnival concession bookings. During the off-season, call Strates Shows, Inc. Winter Quarters - (407) 855-4330. During the operating season, the show's local phone number can be obtained by calling the Strates Shows administrative office in Orlando at 407-855-3939 (9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday).
  2. After making phone contact and determining what equipment is under consideration for booking, provide written information concerning the name of each piece of equipment, manufacturer, year of manufacture, dimensions and electrical power requirements. Provide pictures of each piece of equipment. Day and night pictures are preferred but are not mandatory.
  3. Provide information on any additional requirements you may have. Some examples are house trailer or bunkhouse locations, water requirements, waste receptacles, etc.

Please be advised of the following requirements:

  • Insurance - All independent operators shall have Workers' Compensation insurance with coverage for their employees for each state in which they operate with Strates Shows. Independent ride and show operators shall be required to have at least $1,000,000 (One Million Dollars) of general liability insurance coverage for each piece of equipment booked. It will be necessary to contact the Strates Shows insurance department at 407-855-3939 to obtain a list of the additional insureds that are required to be listed on your general liability certificate for each event booked.
  • Identification Badges - Strates Shows requires all midway employees to have Strates Shows identification badges on their person while on the fairgrounds or event site hosting Strates Shows.
  • Uniforms - Strates Shows sells show hats that must be worn by all ride, show and concession operators during hours of operation. Concession operator shirts are available for sale and must be worn during hours of operation. Strates Shows ride/show uniform shirts are available for use and are required for all ride and show operators during hours of operation. Independent ride/show operators reimburse Strates Shows for the cleaning expense of the shirts utilized during an event. Shirts returned unserviceable shall be charged to the independent operators.
  • Grooming Standards - The Strates Shows grooming standards are in place to send a clean, neat appearance to the general public and the Fair/facility personnel. Hair must be neat and short enough so that the hair does not reach the collar of the uniformed shirts required by Strates Shows. Eccentric haircuts are not allowed. Beards are prohibited. Mustaches must be trimmed so that they do not extend below the corner of the mouth. During operating hours, earrings may be worn only by female employees. Sunglasses will not be worn after sunset. Proper personal hygiene will be expected.
  • Drug and Alcohol Policy - Strates Shows has a drug-free workplace policy in effect. Illegal drugs are strictly prohibited. Violators will be prosecuted. Individuals under the influence of alcohol during hours of operation will be expelled permanently from Strates Shows. Additionally, individuals who elect to use alcoholic beverages during non-operating hours will be expected to do so in a manner by which the alcohol and its containers as well as the effects of the alcohol are not visible.
  • Smoking/Eating Policy - Strates Shows prohibits ride operators from smoking and/or eating while physically on an amusement device, whether operating the ride or performing other functions. Non-alcoholic beverages are permitted but should remain away from control panels, electrical boxes and sound equipment.
  • Water and Electric - Independent operators shall be required to meet all Federal, State and local laws and ordinances while operating with Strates Shows. Additionally, independents shall be required to leave an event/facility in the same or better condition than on arrival.
  • Strates Shows Midway Policy Book - In addition to the above-listed policies, all independent operators shall conform to the rules and regulations of Strates Shows. These policies and procedures are published in booklet form and are available to operators that are contracted with Strates Shows. Additionally, independent operators and their employees will be expected to obey all rules and regulations posted by the Fairs and facilities hosting Strates Shows.
  • Compliance - All rides, shows and concessions will be expected to have at least 150 feet of lead line (electric line) of adequate type and size for connection to Strates Shows' electrical distribution systems. If water access is required, independent operators will require adequate hose to reach the water distribution network at an event (several hundred feet is advisable).

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If you are interested in booking your carnival rides, carnival games or carnival food concessions with Strates Shows for one event or the entire season, take a look at the requirements listed on this page.



Lake County Fair
Friday, April 4, 2025, to Sunday, April 13, 2025
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